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Keith Equestrian Center
2025  Show Calendar

Every year, KEC attends local, regional, and national horse shows. Ask Kelsi how you can get involved in showing!

KEC Horse Show Schedule 2025

March 8th - 9th 

IASA Clinic

New this Year in 2025! IASA will be sponsoring a Show Rider Clinic. Details are still being finalized.

April 5th - 6th 

IASA Tuneup Horse Show

Iowa Falls, IA

Ellsworth Equestrian Center

This is such a fun show to start the year! Two days, same schedule, with a different judge each day. This show has two days of Academy and a slate of performance and equitation classes. The facility is heated. I highly recommend this show to all Academy riders and to anyone interested in showing.

April 24th- 27th

Des Moines Springfest 

Des Moines, IA

IA State Fairgrounds

This show starts on Thursday and concludes on Sunday. There is a full slate of performance, equitation, and Saturday academy classes. This is a fun show to watch and to shop. The show is at the IA State Fairgrounds, the show is held in the heated Jacobson arena.

May ( Show is Cancelled 2025)

FASH Horse Show

Minneapolis, MN

MN State Fairgrounds

This is an iconic show in Minnesota and is known for their great hospitality and three ring judges. They have a full slate of performance, equitation, and two days of Academy. 

May 16th - 18th

Great River Benefit

Cedar Rapids, IA

Kirkwood Equestrian Center

This is a fun filled show, with hospitality, and ring side tables and seats. The show has performance, equitation, and Saturday morning academy. The show is known for a fun, competitive atmosphere. This is a fun show to camp at.

June 10th - 14th 

MId West Charity

Springfield, IL

IL State Fairgrounds

This is a National, A level show, at the IL State Fairgrounds. There are three judges, performance and equitation classes. This is a highly competitive show. 

June  (Will not be attending 2025)

Tanbark Calvacade of Roses

Minneapolis, MN

MN State Fairgrounds

This is a three judge show with classes for everyone. The winners get to carry roses and the show is known for their great hospitality events each evening and morning. This is a favorite show for most! They have two days of Academy.

July 11th - 13th

Mid States Horse & Pony Show

Cedar Rapids, IA

Kirkwood Equestrian Center

This is a fun, relaxed show that is a favorite of our Iowa circuit. They have performance, equitation, young horse classes, and Saturday morning academy.

July 16th - 19th

Central States Horse Show

Kansas City, Mo

Hale Arena

The best summer show! Fully Air Conditioned! This is a fun show to go, watch, and hang out at. A full slate of performance, equitation, and Saturday morning Equitation classes.

July 31st- August 2nd

Chapter V/ Mo State Fair

Sedalia, Mo

MO State Fairgrounds

This is a laid back, fun show with lots of classes. Best of all they have two days of Academy on Friday and Saturday. This is the perfect show for Academy and for riders looking for a fun place to show.

August 12th - 14th 

Iowa State Fair

Des Moines, IA

IA State Fair/Jacobson Arena

Our Iconic Iowa State Fair Horse Show is a tradition. It starts Tuesday evening and concludes Thursday afternoon. Fun classes, air-conditioned showing. The show is in the Jacobson arena, and we are stabled in the Sheep barn. There are no Academy classes. 

August 16th - 23rd

World Championship/ KY Fair

Louisville, Kentucky

Kentucky State Fairgrounds

Our Iconic and traditional Worlds Horse Show is held during the KY State Fair. It is our breeds Worlds Championship Horse Show and is a an A Rated Show.

August 29th - 31st

Iowa Futurity/Iowa AHA Fall Classic Horse Show

Des Moines, IA

IA State Fairgrounds

This is a brand new show in Des Moines, IA at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. This show has two days of Academy and a slate of performance and equitation classes. I highly recommend for Academy Riders. This show will also have the fun to watch Futurity and young horse classes.

September 3rd - 7th 

Monarch National Championships

Springfield, IL

IL State Fairgrounds

This is a three judge show with the Monarch National Championship Titles given out. A full slate of performance classes, including pleasure equitation finals. They also have two days of Academy.

September 19th- 21st

Pre St. Louis Show & Academy

Lake St. Louis, MO

National Equestrian Center

This is a new B show, with a full slate of classes and Academy classes in the Lake St. Louis area at the beautiful National Equestrian Center. 

St. Louis National Charity 

Lake St. Louis, MO

National Equestrian Center

September 24th - 27th 

This is a National, A level show, in the Lake St. Louis area at the beautiful National Equestrian Center. The prestigious Saddle and Bridle Championships are hosted here! There are no Academy classes.

October 25th -26th

IASA Fall Classic Horse Show

Iowa Falls, IA

Ellsworth Equestrian Center

The IHSA Academy Championships are hosted at the heated Ellsworth Equestrian Center in Iowa Falls, IA. They will have two days of showing for Academy, plus Performance and Equitation classes. 

November 10th - 15th

American Royal National Championships

Kansas City, MO/ Hale Arena

The American Royal National Championships are held at the American Royal/ Hale Arena in Kansas City, MO. This show is a long held tradition of bringing the best horses together to compete! Fully heated, this is a wonderful show to make a trip of to compete and to watch.



Keith Equestrian Center
 2025 Activity Calendar

January 10th-11th
MidWest Consignment- Des Moines

February 8th 2025
IHSA Awards Banquet- Blank Park Zoo
(Tickets must be bought ahead of time)

March 8-9 2025
IASA Sponsored Clinician

Barn Fun Days will be back for the Summer and Fall 2025!

New for 2025
Summer Camp

Please Join our KEC Private Facebook Group and our Public Facebook Page to keep up to date on the latest going on at the barn!


Kelsi Keith-Rusch


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to book a lesson



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